Print&Play Instructions
Thank you for being the first to try TactiCards Axie Game. We hope you enjoy this early prototype. We will be more than happy to hear all the comments you have about the game.
In this section, you will find all the materials needed to print two decks, two energy decks, and a 2 player game board.
Once you have printed the prototype, you can find all the instructions on how to play in section two of this whitepaper:
Printing the Cards
There are 2 PDFs for the cards, Deck1 and Deck2. You should print both in A4 or Letter size sheets. We recommend using photographic glossy paper if possible.
Deck1 also includes the Energy cards for both players.
You can also send the PDFs to a stationer's shop or digital printing shop. It should be cheap to print and they can also cut and make the materials ready to play.
Make sure you don't resize the document in the printing configuration, to have real-size cards.
After you print and divide the cards, you can use a black marker to paint the white edges to give them a better look.
If you have MTG sleeves, they will work to protect your cards.
Printing the Board
Now, for the board, you have several options:
Print the Full Board: This is the best option if you print in a shop, the standard 70x50cm will be enough, even though the Full board has a size of 90x50.
2. Print the Divided Board: With this option you can print the separate 10 parts of the board in Letter or A4 size sheets. Then you can cut the white margins, and stick them all as if it was a puzzle! You can use transparent tape on the white down side to paste the parts. We recommend regular paper because bending photographic paper can damage it.
3. Make your own board manually: You can glue paper squares of 10x10cm size (25 in total) over a thin cardboard of at least 70x50cm, like in the example:
4. Using a Yugioh Playmat: TactiCards is perfectly playable in a Yugioh modern playmats (grid of 5x5), in fact, we use one to play and test the TactiCards game:
Thank you!
We hope you enjoy playing TactiCards as we do, all the comments and suggestions you can have around the project will be more than welcome, to keep building a better game each day.
Thank you for being part of the first in trying the game, we do appreciate your support.
Last updated