Why is IRL important?
"The best brand experiences are multi-sensory and combine lo-fi and hi-fi experiences. In a direct -or physical- experience, the customer can see, smell, hear, touch, and even taste the essence of your brand." -- Jeremy Lambert
That's right! Smelling the essence of your opponent's sweat may be required... But please, don't taste it.
The pandemic showed us the importance of the IRL touch. Family and friends give motivation, and we all know that a videocall is not the same as a physical hug.
Game tournaments are powerful emotional events; if you participate in one for the first time, you will feel that your heart is going to explode. But a virtual contest isn't even close to the emotions a physical tournament can generate. That's why Esport games like League of Legends tend to move the contender teams to a physical space.
Physical collectibles also tend to have stronger value for people. Artists can confirm that when you print a digital artwork, it's just another level, you fall in love with the piece. And the same happens with cards. Having cards stored in Hearthstone surely feels nice, but seeing, touching, and smelling your physical Yugioh or MTG cards feels different; it's a whole new experience.
But that's not all. IRL communities are way stronger than digital ones. Friendship, partnership, and even rivalry occur with higher intensity. It's easier to find friends and create bonds that become stronger than steel. The feeling of trading and playing with friends won't ever be compared with digital-only experiences. IRL interactions leave a mark in people's hearts.
However, digital formats bring huge possibilities as well. So there we find the key: meeting the best of both worlds. And here is where blockchain technology enters the battlefield.
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