Community is all
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The element that links them together is at the core, and is the essence of the group... Riché C. Zamor
Many Web3 projects can brag about having the best graphics, game systems, or even the best technology behind them. But none of those can nearly reach the bonds that Axie Infinity's community has created.
Everyone can feel the bonding between members. It's incredible to see how collaborative, well-vibrant, and excited the people are. And there is a wide variety of them. You see casual gamers, competitive gamers, artists, dancers, content creators, writers, philosophers, psychologists... All kinds of people! Contests are beautiful places where the community excels.
You can also see how the community unites to help build Axie Infinity day by day, giving suggestions, making proposals, creating content, discussing challenges together, and making this awesome fantasy world grow. That is an example of how powerful a community can be.
I (Eduan) have been part of many communities throughout my life, but surely that one behind Axie is the one that has surprised me the most. I feel like in a family, and I have felt inspired to create a few digital tools for the community too.
Community is all and for all. And now, TactiCards has been born. There should be no doubt that community will always be the first priority of this project because you are the passion that moves us. We dedicate this to you, the Axie Community.